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kibana reporting

Automated Kibana Reporting: A Marketer’s Guide

Skedler’s enhanced Kibana reporting solutions can do more than just enhance the way you manage information. It effectively transforms your Elasticsearch-Logstash-Kibana(ELK) platform into a business intelligence platform. Much of this is helped by Kibana’s dashboard, which applications such as Skedler improve on even further by incorporating actionable reporting, scheduling, and more. Marketing departments are particularly seeing the advantages of automating Kibana tasks through Skedler. They’re able to utilize ELK to gather intelligence, which is then easily exported as convenient, customer-friendly reports.

Two of our current case studies have demonstrated Kibana’s automated processes to be highly useful to their marketers.

Kane LPI, a third-party administration service specializing in investment and compliance, sought out Skedler to help them produce clear reports from thousands of lines of log entries from multiple systems. Kane LPI’s internal marketers needed to receive daily log reports in order to view daily analytics which could then be reviewed and sent to their clients. Skedler’s Kibana reporting solution produced clear scheduled reports from thousands of lines of log entries from multiple systems. This served as key monitoring tool while satisfying auditing requirements in the process.

Cybersecurity company Dynetics’ marketing department also benefitted from using the automated processes within Skedler. Their analysts simply didn’t have enough time to monitor all the dashboards within the NetAlert ELK stack application. However, after discovering Skedler, they saw that Skedler’s automated processes with Kibana allowed the department to quickly send security intelligence reports to customers. Without Skedler, this kind of process would have taken weeks to process manually, and their customers would have had to wait for answers.

Ready to start utilizing Skedler’s reporting solution for Kibana and engage with your customers? Try Skedler for free.

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