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Save Time & Money with Automated Reports for ELK and Grafana

In this webinar, we discuss how you can “Save Time & Money with Automated Reports and Alerts for Elastic Stack and Grafana.” For any business to run smoothly, you have to pay close attention to all its underlying processes and how it is being managed. How can you do this? Through the act of business process automation (BPA), specifically automated reports and alerts.  Organizations using Elastic Stack or Grafana for analytics and monitoring need automated reports and alerts so that users can stay informed with actionable information even when they are away from the dashboards.

Access the Webinar Below

Skedler Webinar.

Given the challenges with X-Pack (aka Elastic Stack features) and custom solutions, what users need is a reporting and alerting solution for Elastic Stack and Grafana that is robust, cost-efficient, and easy to deploy so that you can focus on your core business. In this webinar, we explain how Skedler can help you reach those exact goals.

With Skedler, you can save tens of thousands of dollars, add reporting and alerting instantly, and achieve a return on investment within a month.

Generate Report from Grafana in Minutes with Skedler. Fully featured free trial.

Additional Benefits

  • Quick  to install and configure
  • Intuitive easy to use UI for scheduling reports and creating alerts
  • Flexible reporting and alerting framework to meet complex requirements
  • Faster troubleshooting with drill down to root cause data
  • No scripting required for alerts
  • Trusted by enterprises of all sizes
Schedule and Automate Your Grafana Reports Free with Skedler. Fully featured free trial.

Automate your Grafana Grafana and  Kibana Reports Today!
Reporting Made Simple.

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Automate what’s slowing you down. Focus on what fires you up.

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