Now Skedler supports ELK 7.7.0 and Grafana 7.0. with all its new features in Skedler Reports v4.13.0 & Skelder Alerts v4.6.0
Features which supports Grafana 7.0 for Skelder 4.13.0
New panel editor and unified data model
The first visible change is the separated panel display settings to a right-hand side panel that you can collapse or expand depending on what your focus is on. With this change, we are also introducing our new unified option model and UI for defining data configuration and display options. A unified data configuration framework allows a single user interface to set data options through visualizations as well as to control and override all data display settings.
New tracing UI
This release provides substantial support for distributed tracing, including a telemetry mode to complement the existing metrics and log support. Traces allow you to monitor how single requests move through a distributed network. More workflows and integrations should be introduced in the future so that identification between measurements, logs, and traces is much easier.
Table panel
Grafana 7.0 comes with a new table panel (with the old one deprecated). This new table panel allows horizontal scrolling and resizing of columns. Paired with the detailed transformation of new Organize fields above you can reorder, hide & rename columns. This new panel also supports new display modes for cells, such as showing a bar gauge within a cell.
Auto grid mode for Stat panel and Gauge
This new function of 7.0 applies to the gauge and stat panels. Before, only horizontal or vertical stacking was enabled by stat and gage: The auto-layout mode only selected vertical or horizontal stacking depending on the dimensions of the panel (whatever was highest). But in 7.0 the auto layout for these two panels will allow for dynamic grid layouts where Grafana will attempt to optimize space use and map out each sub-visualization within a grid.
Features which supports ELK 7.7.0 for Skelder 4.13.0 & Skelder Alerts 4.6.0
Fixed index corruption on shrunk indices
Applying deletions or updates to the index after it has been truncated is likely to corrupt the index. We advise Elasticsearch 6.x users who opt-in for soft deletes on some of their indices and all Elasticsearch 7.x users to update to 7.7 as soon as possible so that this corruption vulnerability will no longer be applicable to them.
Significant reduction of heap usage of segments
This Elasticsearch release substantially reduces the amount of heap memory required to hold Lucene segments accessible. This helps to reduce costs, in addition to helping with cluster stability, by storing much more data per node before reaching memory limits.
Query speed-up for sorted queries on time-based indices
We optimized sorted, top-document-only queries that run on indices based on time. The optimization is due to the fact that the ranges of timestamps (document) in the shards do not overlap. This is enforced by rewriting the requests for shard searches based on partial results that are already available from other shards.
A new aggregation: top_metrics
The new top metrics aggregation “selects” a metric from a document on a given, separate field according to the requirements. At present, the criterion is the greatest or the smallest “type” value. It’s fairly close in spirit to top hits, but since it’s more constrained, top metrics uses less memory and is therefore quicker.