The Top 3 ELK Stack Tools Every Business Intelligence Analyst Needs in 2017
A version of this post, updated for 2018, can be found here: The Top 5 ELK Stack+ Tools Every Business Intelligence Analyst Needs.
The world’s most popular log management platform, ELK Stack, has ultimately reflected its nifty, modernized capabilities with this recent statistic: each month, it is downloaded 500,000 times. So what makes ELK Stack and ELK Stack Tools just so attractive? In many cases, it fulfills what’s really been needed in the log analytics space within SaaS: IT companies are favoring open source products more and more. Since it’s based on the Lucene search engine, Elasticsearch is a NoSQL database which forms as a log pipeline tool; accepting inputs from various sources, executing transformations, then exporting data to designated targets. It also carries enhanced customizability, which is a key preference nowadays, since program tweaking is more lucrative and stimulating for many engineers. This is coupled with ELK’s increased interoperability, which is now a practically indispensable feature, since most businesses don’t want to be limited by proprietary data formats.
ELK Stack tools which simply higher-tier those impressive elements will elevate data analysis just that little bit further; depending on what you want to do with it, of course.
Elite tool Logstash is well-known for its intake, processing and output capabilities. It’s mainly intended for organizing and searching for log files, but works effectively for cleaning and streaming big data from all sorts of sources into a comprehensive database, including metrics, web applications, data stores, and various AWS services. Logstash also carries impressive input plugins such as cloudwatch and graphite, allowing you to sculpt your intelligence to be as easy to work with as possible.
Kibana 5
Analysis program Kibana 5.0 boasts a wealth of new refurbishments for pioneering intelligence surveying. Apart from amplified functionalities such as increased rendering, less CPU usage, and elevated data and index handling, Kibana 5.0 has enriched visualisations with interactive platforms, leveraging the aggregation capabilities of Elasticsearch. Space and time auditing are a crucial part of Kibana’s make up: the map service empowers you to foresee geospatial data with custom location data on a schematic of your selection, whilst the time series allows you to perform advanced generation analysis by describing queries and transformations.
ELK Stack reporting tool, Skedler, combines all the automated processes you’d never dream you could have within one unit. Fundamentally, it ups your speed-to-market auditing with cutting-edge scheduling, which Kibana alone does not offer; serving as a single system for both interactive analysis and reporting. Skedler methodically picks up your existing dashboards in the server for cataloging, whilst also enabling you to create filters, refine specific recipients, and filter file folders to use whilst scheduling. Additionally, Skedler automatically applies prerequisite filters with generate reports, preserving them as defined; and encompasses high-resolution PDF and PNG options to incorporate in reporting, which sequentially eliminates the need for redundant reporting systems.
There you have it, the top ELK stack tools no business intelligence analyst should ever be without!
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