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Skedler v4.1 Release

Skedler v4.1: Next Generation Reporting for Kibana and Grafana

We are excited to announce that we have just released version 4.1 of Skedler Reports!  

[button title=”Download Skedler 4.1 Now” icon=”” icon_position=”” link=”https://www.skedler.com/download/” target=”_blank” color=”#800080″ font_color=”#000″ large=”0″ class=”v4download” download=”” onclick=””]

Self Service Reporting Solution for Elasticsearch Kibana 7.0 and Grafana 6.1

We understand that your stakeholders and customers need intuitive and flexible options to save time in receiving the data that matters to them and we’ve achieved exactly that with the release of Skedler 4.1.  The newly enhanced UI offers a delightful user experience for creating and scheduling reports from your Elasticsearch Kibana 7.0 and Grafana 6.1 .

Multi-Tenancy Capabilities

If you are a service provider, you need a simple and automated way to provide different groups of users (i.e. “tenants”) with access to different sets of data. Skedler 4.1’s powerful and secure multi-tenancy capabilities will now allow you to send reports to your customers from your multi-tenant analytics application within minutes.  Supported with Search Guard, Open Distro & X-Pack.

Intuitive and Mobile Ready Reports

Skedler 4.1 will now allow you to produce high-resolution HTML reports from Elasticsearch Kibana and Grafana that will make it easy and convenient for your end users to access to critical data through their mobile devices and email clients. No more cumbersome and large PDF attachments.

The latest release also includes:

  • Support for the latest and greatest version of Elastic Stack and Grafana. Skedler 4.1 supports the following versions:
    • Elastic stack 6.7 and 7.0
    • Grafana 6.1.x
    • Open distro for Elasticsearch 6.7 and 7.0.  

Please continue to send us feedback for what new capabilities you’d like to see in the future by reaching out to us at [email protected]

Automate your Grafana Grafana and  Kibana Reports Today!
Reporting Made Simple.

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