Summer is usually a slow time in the corporate world with vacations and travel. However, it has been a busy time at Skedler. Here are some of the things that the Skedler team accomplished over the summer:
Skedler v2.2.3 is released
Users got their hands on Skedler v2.2.3 in early August. V2.2.3 is a maintenance release to improve chart rendering in Centos and handling of Elasticsearch connection time-outs.
In early July, we released Skedler v2.2.2. This release includes support for Microsoft Exchange server for emailing reports, an important request from several of our customers. It also includes enhancements to Kibana metric charts rendering and better handling of gmail as the email server.
The license activation for Skedler is the simplest ever. Skedler licensing module automatically recognizes the Skedler edition and activates your license. It is so easy to get started with Skedler now.
For more details, please review the release notes.
Case Study: How Dynetics Inc. automates customer reports
Elasticsearch+Logstash+Kibana (ELK) stack is transforming from a log monitoring/search platform to a more widely used analytics, business intelligence, and monitoring platform. Every day we come across new use cases of how users are using Elasticsearch and Kibana to meet their business requirement. As ELK is becoming a common platform in the enterprise, Users are combining the ELK stack with Skedler for security monitoring, CRM, e-commerce and more.
We are happy to share with you a case study on how Dynetics Inc. uses Elasticsearch+Kibana+Skedler to automate customer reports from its Cyber Riskscope® NetAlert platform. The case study will give you an overview how and why Dynetics chose Skedler to power reporting for its ELK platform.
Would you like to share how you are using ELK and Skedler in your app? Our readers would love to hear from you. Just drop me a note to express your interest.
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